Saturday, January 23, 2010

Washington Apple DSP Birthday Card & Kid Creativity

Here is a birthday card I made today when my daughter said, "Mom lets stamp." (there is glitter on that present in the white spots, but for some reason it didnt scan) So I couldnt say no. She is 3 and 3/4 year old. She made the following:


cardtopia said...
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cardtopia said...

I'm posting all of my cards with complete supplies and directions to, a web site I created to share my cards over the Christmas holiday.
I would be glad to repost some of the images here periodically as I create new cards if you are interested.

Danielle said...

Love your work! How can you say that it is ideas for the not so crafty?....
I am just wondering 1. Is that tree a stamp? Is it from SU?
2. The cute pictures of the kids and the mouse, you said it was something digital. what exactly is it?

jules said...


These cards aren't mine -- these particular cards were posted by Bri. She's amazing!

But I do know the answer to one of your questions -- the tree stamp is from SU.


Apple Pie Gal said...

I'm new to your blog but you made a lovely card and your daughter made a lovely card as well.

I love making cards myself.

JulieA said...

Very cute, Bri! I love that WA Apple DSP and your daughter made a very cute card, too! So glad that you're teaching her she'll know all the proper techniques and helpful hints. :-)